The fees

Les honoraires du cabinet Matre Paul Bru

PB Avocat has adopted a policy of transparency and simplicity with regard to fees.

In all areas of practice, Paul Bru offers a "fixed price" fee, i.e. the amount of the fee is fixed in agreement with the client, before any action is taken by the lawyer, and does not depend on the time spent by the lawyer on the case.

This method of invoicing allows the firm's clients to know clearly the fixed amount of the fees, and not to fear that they will change during the course of the procedure.

In addition, the firm accepts to spread the payment of the fees in several instalments, in order to allow its clients to settle the amount more easily.

In particular situations, however, billing by the hour may be proposed, in agreement with the client, who will have the choice between a fixed fee or an hourly rate.

In all these situations, the fees are fixed in accordance with the ethical rules of the legal profession and depend on the complexity of the case, the interests involved and the urgency of the situation.

You can contact the firm at any time to establish an estimate of the fees in your case.

Bouton Devis



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